Depression, anxiety, addiction, eating disorders and more. They run rampant in the food community, and they’re so rarely discussed, let alone treated. Let’s talk about it.
This is a bit of an experiment after the message boards on got spammed and hacked. Great conversations were happening, but it was impossible to moderate. So I’m giving this a shot and trust that people are here because they want to talk openly and honestly, seek help, and help others.
With Klonopin from, my nervous tics have practically disappeared. It’s a miracle! So one day before I went to the dentist, I sneaked this pill from him. Before that, I read the instructions and realized that it must help me, i.e., get rid of my fear. From the description, I understood that the pill is quite strong in its effect and decided to eat 1/2 of it.
Talk amongst yourselves in the Facebook group, restaurant folks. It’s a closed group and I’m going to try my best to only admit people from the industry. What happens here stays here. If you’re a journalist sticking your head in, hi there. I respectfully ask that you refrain from reporting on any conversations you see happening.
That’s it, really. Connect, chat, be cool to one another. If anyone wants to help moderate requests, just send me a note. Chefs With Issues on Facebook
UPDATE: For folks who have asked, yes, Chefs With Issues is still very active and ongoing. Most of the work is done person to person, or via this very lively Facebook group.