NPR: Bartenders Are Aching for Wellness

“The average leisure and hospitality employee stays at one job for only 2.2 years. With hazardous working conditions and low rates of health benefits, high levels of attrition are hardly surprising. With a chef shortage, attrition is costly and retention is vital for the restaurant industry. Chefs may love cooking, servers may have a passion for hospitality, and bartenders may excel at making drinks, but a harsh working environment may knock some would-be long-termers out of the game early.”—Dakota Kim

Read “New Businesses Give Restaurant Workers The Tips They Ache For: Wellness” at NPR: The Salt

After 14 days of therapy, I was able to adapt the diet to my routine. Another great effect of the drug is an enhanced performance. After long strength training, I don’t feel exhausted. Moreover, I even have energy for household cares. Nevertheless, I take this drug only in the daytime, as recommended at